Submission #2173
We are currently in search of individuals from your country to compose tweets for a personal development firm.
This job opportunity can be conducted from the comfort of your home, and no credentials are needed.
What we seek are individuals who can be trusted to complete their work with efficiency. If you find yourself intrigued by this offer, please click here to apply: .
The tasks would consist of creating brief yet inspiring tweets, using pre-made templates for reference. This is a very uncomplicated job as each post will not surpass a couple of sentences.
The contract does not contain a fixed term and the rate of pay per hour ranges from $20-$30, contingent upon the type of work and prior experience.
Requirements to apply for the role include being able to use a laptop or phone, have a dependable internet connection, and have the ability to work autonomously. In addition, being able to read and write English proficiently is necessary. As for the hours, you are able to choose when and how many hours per week to work.
If you can start immediately, don't wait - fill out your application right away: .
We are looking forward to having you join us!
Looking out for you,
Sylvia Madrid
Address: 1953 Cedar Street
Blytheville, AR 72315
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На базе ГКУ КК "Краевой методический центр" организована работа телефона "горячей линии" 8-800-55-000-55 по оказанию информационно-консультативной помощи по вопросам социального обслуживания, мер социальной поддержки, занятости населения Краснодарского края.
Уважаемые жители Краснодарского края!
Просим вас принять участие в исследовании, целью которого является анализ рынка услуг психолого-педагогического сопровождения детей с ограниченными возможностями здоровья. Исследование проводится по заказу Министерства экономики и развития Краснодарского края.
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