Submission #2201
Every business would like to create a Podcast on their industry and also videos. Give their audience the latest tips, and tricks and they will build an audience and get more traffic/clients than ever before.
Now you can create marketing audio content for the clients using AI and charge them a stiff premium for it.
It’s possible with the new software I created called Voisi. It’s the ultimate toolkit for voice and languages.
Voisi is a different beast than anything you’ve seen so far in the market for audio.
All of those tools claim to help you, but they just make you work more. They just solve one piece of the puzzle and you need to get a lot of things done by hand.
Voisi is pure automation: .
??Text to voice
??Voice to text
??Voice to Voice
Translations too!
??Voice to voice translation
??Text translation
This tool is ‘Stunning’ Said my long-time customer and Voisi buyer David De Rox.
All the good voice AIs, 450+ voices, 100s of languages
Voisi gives you access to all of the top voice and translation AIs.
They are all there.
Voisi does everything for you
Yes, it creates truly automated voice and language content. Create a workflow of what you want and then Voisi will do it automatically every time. You don’t have to repeat steps.
Got questions? Let me know... I have the answers
Charles Moore
Address: 2451 Ethels Lane
Indian Lake, FL 33853
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